Generate PDF

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Add barcodes to PDF
This article demonstrates how to add barcodes to a PDF document. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Add simple html text to PDF
The SimpleXhtmlShape lets you add text with simple HTML mark-up to a PDF document. Read or search our code sample base.
Add multiline text to a PDF document
The MultilineTextShape lets you add multiline text to PDF with mixed formatting and line-breaking. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
How to add page numbers to your PDF
This article shows how to add page numbers to PDF using TallPDF built-in features. Read or search our code sample base.
Add a rubber stamp annotation with a custom icon
This article shows how to create a customized rubber stamp annotation. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Add single-line text to PDF
TextShape allows you to add single-line text to a PDF document. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Append multiple PDF documents
This code sample illustrates to loop through a given folder and append each PDF documents found into a new generated PDF document.
Merge PDF
In this code sample we will create a new PDF by stitching two existing PDF documents. Read or search our code sample base.
Calculate the height of a paragraph in PDF
This code sample demonstrates how to use the event mechanism to calculate the height of a paragraph in a PDF.
Multipage TIFF to PDF
This article shows you how to convert a multipage TIFF to PDF using TallPDF.NET. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Convert TXT to PDF
This code sample helpt converting TXT to PDF. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Convert XHTML to PDF
This code sample shows how to add a note to a PDF document C#. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Create a text annotation in PDF with rich text
This sample shows how to create annotations in PDF that use a rich text for their appearance. Read or search our code sample base.
Create layers in PDF and draw on each layer
This code sample shows how to create a document and adds two new layers. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Create PDF in C# - Tall Components - Check out our PDF code samples
This simple code sample shows you how to create a PDF using C# and print "Hello World" to it. Read or search our code sample base.
Download and convert image to PDF
This article shows how to download an image on a web page as a PDF document. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Embed TrueType font in PDF
This code sample shows how to draw text on a page using a TrueType font and embed this font in the PDF. Read or search our code sample base.
Extract images from PDF
This code sample illustrates how to iterate through existing content in a PDF document and save each images found as a new Image file.
Fill in a template PDF document
This code sample shows you how you can import a template document and fill it in with data from a database.
Fit image to PDF page
This code sample shows how to stamp an image on a PDF page and have the image fit to the size of the page. Read this code sample.
Text formatting
This code sample shows how to format your text. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Generate PDF form from XML
The following code sample shows how to generate a PDF form from XML. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Generate PDF with local images from XML with Xamarin.iOS
This code sample generates a PDF from XML with an image that is included as resource. Read or search our code sample base.
How do I create graphics with Icc based colors
This article explains how one creates graphics that use Icc based colors. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
XhtmlParagraph and TrueType fonts
The following code converts XHTML to PDF using the XhtmlParagraph. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Merge PDF files in C# .NET
In the following code sample you can see how you can easily merge PDF files into one. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Layout text with MultilineTextShape
This sample demonstrates how to format and layout text with MultilineTextShape. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Add footer with left and right aligned text on same line
Add a footer to a PDF document that has left aligned text with a page number and right aligned text on the same line.
Stitch PDF documents
This code sample shows how to stich PDF pages from an existing PDF document to a newly generated PDF using TallPDF.NET.
This article shows you how to convert a multipage TIFF to PDF using PDFKit.NET. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Write Document to HttpResponse
In pdfkit5 we decided to remove the Document.Write(HttpResponse) because it required the client to add a reference to System.