PDFRasterizer.NET 4.0 is now available. Supports .NET Core. Renders pixel-perfectly.

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What is the resulting fontsize in PDF for rich text used in a SimpleXhtmlShape

TallPDF supports the SimpleXhtmlShape. This shape accepts PDF rich text as its Text attribute. This PDF rich text is xhtml with a small set of supported elements (body, p, i, b, span). See the PDF reference at page 680 under ‘Rich Text Strings’.

In this rich text, css settings can be used to set the fontsize. The following named fontsizes are supported:

  • xx-small
  • x-small
  • small
  • smaller
  • medium
  • larger
  • large
  • x-large
  • xx-large

This sample shows the translation of these named fontsizes to actual fontsizes when used in PDF. ‘larger’ and ‘smaller’ are relative fontsizes. These are calculated relative to the fontsize setting on the SimpleXhtmlShape.

The sample will create a PDF document with 3 pages. Each page will contain a SimpleXhtmlShape. These shapes will be created with a different fontsize. The text of the shapes will be an xhtml string. It presents a list of font settings and shows the actual fontsize for the various named fontsizes.

The sample proves/shows the mapping of the named fontsizes to the actual fontsizes. It shows:

  • Absolute fontsizes are mapped independent of the fontsize of the shape
  • Relative fontsizes are mapped relative to the fontsize of the shape

What Is The Resulting Fontsize In Pdf For Rich Text Used In A Simplexhtmlshape

C# code sample with overview of fontsize mapping for named fontsizes used in a SimpleXhtmlShape

Xhtml that will be used

This is the content of the sample file that we use with a fontsize of 8pt. There are also files for fontsize 12pt and 18pt.

   <p style='font-size: xx-large;'>Fontsizes in html: 8pt</p>
   <p><span style='font-size: xx-small;'>xx-small</span><span style='font-size: xx-small;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 8pt;'>8pt</span></p>
   <p><span style='font-size: x-small;'>x-small</span><span style='font-size: x-small;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 10pt;'>10pt</span></p>
   <p><span style='font-size: small;'>small</span><span style='font-size: small;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 12pt;'>12pt</span></p>
   <p><span style='font-size: medium;'>medium</span><span style='font-size: medium;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 16pt;'>16pt</span></p>
   <p><span style='font-size: large;'>large</span><span style='font-size: large;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 20pt;'>20pt</span></p>
   <p><span style='font-size: x-large;'>x-large</span><span style='font-size: x-large;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 24pt;'>24pt</span></p>
   <p><span style='font-size: xx-large;'>xx-large</span><span style='font-size: xx-large;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 36pt;'>36pt</span></p>
   <p><span style='font-size: smaller;'>smaller</span><span style='font-size: smaller;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 6.4pt;'>0.8 * 8pt</span></p>
   <p><span style='font-size: larger;'>larger</span><span style='font-size: larger;'> -- </span><span style='font-size: 9.6pt;'>1.2 * 8pt</span></p>
   <p>'larger' and 'smaller' are relative to the surrounding or default fontsize.</p>

In the first column the named fontsize is used to set the fontsize. In the second column the calculated fontsize is used. This allows us to verify that the mapping, as presented in the table, is correct. Both columns in a row should show the same fontsize.

Step 1: Create a SimpleXhtmlShape

The SimpleXhtmlShape uses the Xhtml string that was generated to set the ‘Text’ attribute. The ‘DefaultFontSize’ attribute of the shape is set.

static private void FontSizeMapping(Section section, Int32 fontsize)
    var filename = $@"..\..\fontsize{fontsize}.html";

    Drawing drawing = new Drawing(
            section.PageSize.Width - section.Margin.Left - section.Margin.Right,
            section.PageSize.Height - section.Margin.Top - section.Margin.Bottom);

    SimpleXhtmlShape shape = new SimpleXhtmlShape();
    shape.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
    shape.DefaultFontSize = fontsize;
    shape.Text = File.ReadAllText(filename);
    shape.Width = drawing.Width;


Step 2: Create the PDF document with 3 shapes with different fontsizes

String fileName = @"..\..\result.pdf";
Document document = new Document();
Section section = document.Sections.Add();

FontSizeMapping(section, 8);
FontSizeMapping(section, 12);
FontSizeMapping(section, 18);

// Writing the PDF document to disk
using (var file = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

// open the PDF document

Creating the fontsize mappings with 3 different fontsizes for the XhtmlShape will show that the relative fontsizes (‘smaller’, ‘larger’) are calculated relative to that fontsize and that absolute fontsizes are calculated independent of the fontsize setting on the shape.

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Extract graphics from PDF
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Determine the content bounding box
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Create / impose PDF 2-up
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Extract embedded files from PDF
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Extract images from PDF
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Fit image to PDF page
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Add simple html text to PDF
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Add multiline text to a PDF document
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PDF Viewer Preferences
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Split PDF pages in C# and VB.NET
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Append two or more existing PDF files
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Change colors of black-and-white TIFF after converting from PDF
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Determine if a PDF only contains images
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Add footer to PDF
This code sample shows how to add a footer in a PDF document. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Convert SVG to PDF
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Fill in a PDF form using MVC
In this sample we will create a small ASP.NET application to fill in pdf forms, using a webform. Read or search our code sample base.
C# render pdf in browser using MVC
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Convert XHTML to PDF
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Add hyperlink to PDF
This code samples draws a hyperlink on an existing PDF page. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Rotate a PDF page
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Change the formatting of a numeric field
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How to mirror PDF pages and other shapes
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Fill in a template PDF document
This code sample shows you how you can import a template document and fill it in with data from a database.
How to add autosized text to PDF
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Create formfields in PDF documents
This codesample shows how you can create different types of formfields in PDF. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Export FDF from PDF form
This code sample helps to exports FDF from PDF. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Add a link with an internal destination to PDF
This code sample helps with internal links in a PDF. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Remove PDF security settings
This code sample shows how you can remove the security setting of a PDF quite easily; just set the security attribute to null.
Add a link to PDF with an external destination
This code sample helps adding an external link to your PDF. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
How to sign and verify updates to a PDF document
This code sample shows how you can sign PDF documents and how to handle updates to form data. Read or search our code sample base.
Convert PDF to PNG using WPF
In this code sample we take a look how you can create PNG images from a PDF using the Windows Presentation Foundation.
Embed TrueType font
This code sample shows how to draw text on a page using a TrueType font and embed this font in the PDF. Read or search our code sample base.
Override MouseWheel event
This code sample helps to override MouseWheel event. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Convert PDF to an image using a dither matrix
This code sample shows how to convert a PDF page to a bitmap image, while applying a dither matrix to the generated image.
Font mapping
If you have a PDF document which uses non-embedded fonts, you can specify your font substitution map to specify which fonts need to be used.
Convert PDF with layers to image
In the code sample below you see how you can incorporate multiple layers into your rendering process. Read or search our code sample base.
C# Print PDF Document
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Render PDF with ResolveFont event handler
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Render PDF to EMF
This code sample helps render PDF to EMF. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Convert PDF to XPS
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How to create a thumbnail viewer
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How to create a tiling for shapes in PDF
In this code sample we will show you how you can create a rectangle and fill it using a TilingBrush containing dots.
Add footer with left and right aligned text on same line
Add a footer to a PDF document that has left aligned text with a page number and right aligned text on the same line.
Convert PDF to JPG in C#
This code sample shows how to convert PDF to JPG or JPEG in C#. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
EMF to PDF as vector image
EMF is the Windows Meta file file format for images. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
EMF to PDF as raster image
This code sample helps to create a Bitmap (PDF) from an EMF file in C#. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Replace field with image
This code sample opens a PDF with a textfield and replaces this textfield with an image. Read or search our code sample base.
Add a rubber stamp annotation with a custom icon
This article shows how to create a customized rubber stamp annotation. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Create a text annotation in PDF with rich text
This sample shows how to create annotations in PDF that use a rich text for their appearance. Read or search our code sample base.
XhtmlParagraph and TrueType fonts
The following code converts XHTML to PDF using the XhtmlParagraph. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
What is the resulting fontsize in PDF for rich text used in a SimpleXhtmlShape
TallPDF supports the SimpleXhtmlShape. This shape accepts PDF rich text as its Text attribute. Read or search our code sample base.
Read and write meta data from PDF
This article shows a sample for reading and writing meta data from PDF using C#. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Create a custom signature handler to sign and verify PDF documents
This code sample shows how to create your own signature handler. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Merge PDF
In this code sample we will create a new PDF by stitching two existing PDF documents. Read or search our code sample base.
Stitch PDF documents
This code sample shows how to stich PDF pages from an existing PDF document to a newly generated PDF using TallPDF.NET.
Download and convert image to PDF
This article shows how to download an image on a web page as a PDF document. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Convert TXT to PDF
This code sample helpt converting TXT to PDF. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Add barcodes to PDF
This article demonstrates how to add barcodes to a PDF document. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Convert PDF to multipage TIFF in C# .NET
This article shows how to convert PDF to multipage TIFF in C# using PDFRasterizer.NET 3.0. Read or search our code sample base.
Convert multiple PDF pages to bitmap
In this article, we will convert multple pages of a PDF to a single bitmap. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Render a PDF to bitmap
This article explains the most basic way to convert PDF to bitmap. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Bulleted list from XML and XSL
This code sample helps getting a bulleted list from XML and XSL. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Tagged PDF
This code sample helps create and consume tagged PDF documents. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
PDFKit.NET 5.0 – detailed changes to the API
This article compares the builds that 4.0 and 5.0 have in common: net20, net40, net40-client and net40-wpf.
Create tagged PDF
This code sample demonstrate how to create a new tagged PDF. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
PDFKit.NET 5.0 and .NET Core
PDFKit.NET 5.0 includes a build targeting .NET Standard 1.5. According to the following table, it supports .NET Core 1.0 and higher.
PDFKit.NET 5.0 and Xamarin
This code samples helps with PDFKit.NET 5.0 and Xamarin. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Dynamic XFA
The new dynamic XFA API of PDFKit.NET 5.0 allows populating and consuming dynamic XFA documents. Read or search our code sample base.
PDFKit.NET 5.0 .NET Standard API
This code sample helps with PDFKit.NET 5.0 .NET Standard API. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
.NET Core console app on MacOS
In this article we create step by step a simple .NET Core console application on MacOS. Read or search our code sample base.
Add tags to existing PDF
This article demonstrates how to open existing PDF document, read visual content and tag the visual content based on its type and content.
Read PDF tags
This code sample enumerates the tags in an existing PDF document. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Merge XDP data with dynamic XFA form
The following code imports XDP data into a dynamic XFA form. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Fill XFA form and export XDP data
The following code opens an XFA form and programmatically fills text field and selects items from drop-down lists and exports data as XDP.
Fill and save dynamic XFA form
The following code opens a XFA form and programmatically fills text fields, selects an item from a drop-down list and 'clicks' a button.
Use PDFKit.NET 5.0 with a Xamarin.Forms app
This article demonstrates a simple Xamrin.Forms app that runs on Android, iOS and UWP. Read or search our code sample base.
Use multiple licenses
This code sample explains how to register multiple license keys with a single application. Read or search our code sample base.
Licensing and .NET Standard
This code sample helps with licensing and .NET Standard. Read this Tall Components code sample or search our code sample base.
Reduce PDF size
PDFKit5 includes support for non-desctructive PDF compresssion. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Generate PDF form from XML
The following code sample shows how to generate a PDF form from XML. Read this code sample or search our code sample base.
Generate PDF with local images from XML with Xamarin.iOS
This code sample generates a PDF from XML with an image that is included as resource. Read or search our code sample base.
Disable submit button after submitting
The following code adds a JavaScript action to a submit button that will disable the button after submitting.
Write Document to HttpResponse
In PDFKit.NET 5.0 we decided to remove the Document.Write(HttpResponse) because it required the client to add a reference to System.