Convert to TIFF

Coversion of PDF to (multipage) TIFF is a typical usage of PDFRasterizer.NET. Because GDI+ is somewhat restricted we offer a dedicated conversion to single and multi-page TIFF.

Basic code sample

The following basic code sample converts a PDF document to a multi-page TIFF document.

using (FileStream pdfFile = new FileStream(
   @"document.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using (FileStream tiffFile = new FileStream(
   @"document.tiff", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
   ConvertToTiffOptions options = new ConvertToTiffOptions();
   options.Compression = TiffCompression.CcittG3;
   options.Resolution = 300;

   Document document = new Document(pdfFile);
   document.ConvertToTiff(tiffFile, options);

Code sample: Convert a PDF document to a multipage TIFF document

A similar ConvertToTiff method exists on the Page class. This results in a single-page TIFF document.

B&W and Color

You can convert either to B&W or to color by setting the ConvertToTiffOptions.PixelFormat property. Set this property to Bw1Bpp to render to a B&W TIFF. Set this property to Rgba32Bpp to render to a color TIFF .


Per pixel format, a number of compressions are available. You select the compression by settings the ConvertToTiffOptions.Compression property. The following table shows the possible combinations:  

PixelFormat Compression
Bw1Bpp None





Bw1Bpp None
