Namespace TallComponents.PDF.Layout
Class ColumnCollection
Contains the column definitions for the pages in the section.
The Columns class contains all columns that are associated with a section. A section may contain 1 or more columns. Paragraphs are rendered inside the columns from top to bottom. from left to right.
public class ColumnCollection
: Object
Int32 Count
The number of columns in this colllection.
Column Item
Get a column by 0-based index.
Double Spacing
Get or set the column spacing equally and distrutes width evenly.
Double Width
Get or set the column width equally and distrutes space evenly.
Void Add(Column)
Add a column to the collection.
Void AddRange(ColumnCollection)
Adds the elements of a ColumnCollection to the end of this collection.
Void AddRange(Column[])
Adds the elements of an array of columns to the end of this collection.
Void Clear()
Removes all columns from this collection.
Boolean Contains(Column)
Determine whether an Column is in the ColumnCollection.
IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
Implements .
Int32 IndexOf(Column)
Searches for the specified Column in the ColumnCollection.
Void Insert(Int32,Column)
Insert an on a specific place in this .
Void Remove(Column)
Removes an Column from this ColumnCollection.
Void RemoveAt(Int32)
Removes an Column from the ColumnCollection at the specified index.