Namespace TallComponents.PDF.Layout
Class SectionCollection
Collection of paragraph objects. It is obtained through the Sections property of Document.
public class SectionCollection
: Object
Section Add()
Add a new section.
Void Add(Section)
Add an existing section.
Void AddRange(SectionCollection)
Adds the elements of a SectionCollection to the end of this collection.
Void AddRange(Section[])
Adds the elements of an array of sections to the end of this collection.
Void Clear()
Removes all sections from this collection.
Void Compose(Document)
Implement this method in a derived class to generate content
Boolean Contains(Section)
Determine whether an Section is in the SectionCollection.
IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
Implements .
Int32 IndexOf(Section)
Searches for the specified Section in the SectionCollection.
Void Insert(Int32,Section)
Insert an on a specific place in this .
Void Remove(Section)
Removes an Section from this SectionCollection.
Void RemoveAt(Int32)
Removes an Section from the SectionCollection at the specified index.