Render to TIFF

Conversion of PDF to single- or multipage TIFF is a common use. Therefor we offer a conveniency method to do this easily.

Convert to black and white

The following code converts a PDF document to a multi-page 1bpp TIFF document.

using (var pdfFile = new FileStream(pdfPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using (var tiffFile = new FileStream(tiffPath, FileMode.Create))
  var pdf = new Document();
  var options = new ConvertToTiffOptions
    Resolution = 150f,
    Compression = TiffCompression.CcittG4
  pdf.ConvertToTiff(file, tiffOptions);

A similar ConvertToTiff method exists on the Page class. This results in a single-page TIFF document.

Convert to color

The following code converts a PDF document to a multi-page 8bpc RGBA TIFF document.

using (var pdfFile = new FileStream(pdfPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using (var tiffFile = new FileStream(tiffPath, FileMode.Create))
  var pdf = new Document();
  var options = new ConvertToTiffOptions
    Resolution = 150f,
    Compression = TiffCompression.Lzw,
    PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Rgba32Bpp
  pdf.ConvertToTiff(file, tiffOptions);

Specify dither matrix

A common use of dither is converting a grayscale image to black and white, such that the density of black dots in the new image approximates the average gray-level in the original. Dithering is the processing of applying a matrix to the original image and thereby adding seemingly randomized noise. This is done to prevent color banding and other large scale patterns to occur in your image. Read more.

Dither example

Property ConvertToTiffOptions.DitherMatrix is used to specify a dither matrix. This is only meaningful when converting to a monochrome image. The following code converts a PDF page to a monochrome TIFF while applying a dither matrix to the generated image:

var matrix = new int[][] { 
  new int[] {  1,  9,  3, 11 },
  new int[] { 13,  5, 15,  7 },
  new int[] {  4, 12,  2, 10 },
  new int[] { 16,  8, 14,  6 } 

var options = new ConvertToTiffOptions
  Resolution = 150f,
  Compression = TiffCompression.CcittG4,
  DitherMatrix = matrix

using (var pdfStream = new FileStream("some.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using (var tiffStream = new FileStream("firstpage.tiff", FileMode.Create))
  var pdf = new Document(pdfStream);
  var page = pdfDocument.Pages[0];

  page.ConvertToTiff(tiffStream, options);