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Text formatting

This code sample shows how to format your text

using( FileStream file = new FileStream( @"..\..\TextFormatting.pdf", FileMode.Create,
 FileAccess.Write ) )
    Document document = new Document();
    Section section = document.Sections.Add();
    section.PageSize = PageSize.A4;

    TextParagraph textParagraph;

    // Just display the dummy text without setting any additional properties
    section.Paragraphs.Add( CreateTextParagraph( "TextParagraph with default properties:" ) );
    section.Paragraphs.Add( CreateTextParagraph( text, System.Drawing.Color.Blue ) );

    // Set alignment to right
    section.Paragraphs.Add( CreateTextParagraph( "textParagraph.HorizontalAlignment = "+
"HorizontalAlignment.Right" ) );
    textParagraph = CreateTextParagraph( text, System.Drawing.Color.Blue );
    textParagraph.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
    section.Paragraphs.Add( textParagraph );

    // Set alignment to center
    section.Paragraphs.Add( CreateTextParagraph( "textParagraph.HorizontalAlignment = "+
"HorizontalAlignment.Center" ) );
    textParagraph = CreateTextParagraph( text, System.Drawing.Color.Blue );
    textParagraph.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
    section.Paragraphs.Add( textParagraph );

    // Display the textparagraph justified
    section.Paragraphs.Add( CreateTextParagraph( "textParagraph.Justified = true" ) );
    textParagraph = CreateTextParagraph( text, System.Drawing.Color.Blue );
    textParagraph.Justified = true;
    section.Paragraphs.Add( textParagraph );

    // Set linespacing
    section.Paragraphs.Add( CreateTextParagraph( "textParagraph.LineSpacing = 5" ) );
    textParagraph = CreateTextParagraph( text, System.Drawing.Color.Blue );
    textParagraph.LineSpacing = 5;
    section.Paragraphs.Add( textParagraph );

    // Use First Line indentation
    section.Paragraphs.Add( CreateTextParagraph( "textParagraph.FirstLineIndentation = 20" ) );
    textParagraph = CreateTextParagraph( text, System.Drawing.Color.Blue );
    textParagraph.FirstLineIndentation = 20;
    section.Paragraphs.Add( textParagraph );

    // Use hang indentation
    section.Paragraphs.Add( CreateTextParagraph( "textParagraph.HangIndentation = 20" ) );
    textParagraph = CreateTextParagraph( text, System.Drawing.Color.Blue );
    textParagraph.HangIndentation = 20;
    section.Paragraphs.Add( textParagraph );

    // Use different font
    section.Paragraphs.Add(CreateTextParagraph("textParagraph.HangIndentation = 20"));
    textParagraph = CreateTextParagraph(text, System.Drawing.Color.Blue,Font.TimesRoman, 28.0);

    document.Write( file );

private static TextParagraph CreateTextParagraph( string text )
    return CreateTextParagraph( text, System.Drawing.Color.Black );

private static TextParagraph CreateTextParagraph( string text, System.Drawing.Color textcolor )
    TextParagraph paragraph = new TextParagraph();
    Fragment textFragment = new Fragment( text );
    textFragment.TextColor = textcolor;
    paragraph.Fragments.Add( textFragment );
    paragraph.SpacingAfter = 10;
    return paragraph;

private static TextParagraph CreateTextParagraph(string text, System.Drawing.Color textcolor, 
Font f, double fsize)
    TextParagraph paragraph = new TextParagraph();
    Fragment textFragment = new Fragment(text);
    textFragment.Font = f;
    textFragment.FontSize = fsize;
    textFragment.TextColor = textcolor;
    paragraph.SpacingAfter = 10;
    return paragraph;
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