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- Create a new digitally signed PDF document
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- Digitally sign a PDF form in C# or VB.NET
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- Fill PDF form
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- PDF Viewer Preferences
- Create a custom signature handler to sign and verify PDF documents
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- Verify a custom digital PDF signature
Digitally sign a PDF form in C# or VB.NET
Import a digital signature and sign a PDF.
Digital signatures can be used for many types of documents where traditional hand written signatures were used in the past. This code sample shows you how you can import a digital signature and use it to sign a PDF document in C# or VB.NET.
using (FileStream inFile = new FileStream("f1040a.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
// open document with signature fioeld
Document document = new Document(inFile);
// retrieve signature field
SignatureField field = document.Fields["SignHere"] as SignatureField;
// open certicate store.
Pkcs12Store ks = null;
using (FileStream file = new FileStream("ChrisSharp.pfx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
ks = new Pkcs12Store(file, "Sample");
// let the SignatureHandler factory decide which type should be used.
SignatureHandler handler = StandardSignatureHandler.Create(ks);
field.SignatureHandler = handler;
// set some optional info.
field.ContactInfo = "+31 (0)77 4748677";
field.Location = "The Netherlands";
field.Reason = "I fully agree!";
// optional code to set image:
// enumerate widgets
foreach (SignatureWidget widget in field.Widgets)
SignatureAppearance signedAppearance = new SignatureAppearance();
signedAppearance.Style = SignatureAppearanceStyle.ImageAndText;
signedAppearance.Bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap("logo.gif");
widget.SignedAppearance = signedAppearance;
widget.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightPink;
// write the modified document to disk
// note: signing requires read-write file access
using (FileStream outFile = new FileStream("signed.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
Sub Main()
Using inFile As New FileStream("f1040a.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
' open document with signature fioeld
Dim document As New Document(inFile)
' retrieve signature field
Dim field As SignatureField = TryCast(document.Fields("SignHere"), SignatureField)
' open certicate store.
Dim ks As Pkcs12Store = Nothing
Using file As New FileStream("..\..\../inputdocuments/ChrisSharp.pfx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
ks = New Pkcs12Store(file, "Sample")
End Using
' let the SignatureHandler factory decide which type should be used.
Dim handler As SignatureHandler = StandardSignatureHandler.Create(ks)
field.SignatureHandler = handler
' set some optional info.
field.ContactInfo = "+31 (0)77 4748677"
field.Location = "The Netherlands"
field.Reason = "I fully agree!"
' optional code to set image:
' enumerate widgets
For Each widget As SignatureWidget In field.Widgets
Dim signedAppearance As New SignatureAppearance()
signedAppearance.Style = SignatureAppearanceStyle.ImageAndText
signedAppearance.Bitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap("..\..\../inputdocuments/logo_pdfkit.gif")
widget.SignedAppearance = signedAppearance
widget.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightPink
' write the modified document to disk
' note: signing requires read-write file access
Using outFile As New FileStream("..\..\signed.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
The signature field in the PDF now looks like this: