- Add a link to PDF with an external destination
- Add a link with an internal destination to PDF
- Add a note to PDF
- Add barcodes to PDF
- Add bookmarks to PDF
- Add footer to PDF
- Add simple html text to PDF
- Add hyperlink to PDF
- Add multiline text to a PDF document
- Add a rubber stamp annotation with a custom icon
- Add single-line text to PDF
- Add Stamp to PDF
- Add text field to PDF
- Add a Diagonal Watermark to PDF in C# - TallComponents - PDF Library
- Append two or more existing PDF files
- Change the color inside a PDF
- Change the formatting of a numeric field
- Change page orientation PDF
- Clip PDF page content in C#
- Convert PDF to plain text
- Convert SVG to PDF
- Create a text annotation in PDF with rich text
- Create formfields in PDF documents
- Create layers in PDF and draw on each layer
- Create a new digitally signed PDF document
- Create rectangles with rounded corners
- Create text with decorations
- How to create a tiling for shapes in PDF
- Crop content on a PDF page
- Determine the content bounding box
- Determine if a PDF only contains images
- Digitally sign a PDF form in C# or VB.NET
- Disable submit button after submitting
- How to downscale all images in a PDF
- Download and convert image to PDF
- How to downscale all images in a PDF
- Vector graphics in PDF
- How to embed files in a PDF document
- Embed TrueType font in PDF
- EMF to PDF as raster image - Code Sample C#
- EMF to PDF as vector image
- Export FDF from PDF form
- Extract embedded files from PDF
- Extract glyph boxes from PDF
- Extract glyphs and sort by reading order
- Extract graphics from PDF
- Extract images from PDF
- Fill in a PDF form using MVC
- Fill in a template PDF document
- Fill PDF form
- Fit image to PDF page
- Flatten Markup Annotation
- Flatten PDF form
- How to generate and export certificates
- How do I extract page destinations from bookmarks?
- Highlight fields in PDF
- How do I create graphics with Icc based colors
- How to add autosized text to PDF
- How to sign and verify updates to a PDF document
- Import FDF into PDF
- Merge PDF files in C# .NET
- How to mirror PDF pages and other shapes
- Layout text with MultilineTextShape
- Read and write meta data from PDF
- How to reduce PDF file size
- Remove graphics from PDF
- Remove PDF security settings
- Replace field with image
- Resize PDF pages
- Rotate a PDF page
- How to scale content of PDF
- Search text in PDF
- PDF Viewer Preferences
- Create a custom signature handler to sign and verify PDF documents
- Split PDF pages in C# and VB.NET
- TIFF to PDF C#
- Translate PDF page content
- Use multiple licenses
- Use TrueType font collections
- Verify a custom digital PDF signature
How to generate and export certificates
In this article we will show you how you can create an RSA 2048-bit PEM certificate and how you can export it.
To start off, download and install OpenSSL SDK. Generate RSA private key:
>> openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
Create PVK certificate
Generate PVK withhelp makecert.exe tool:
>> makecert.exe -r -pe -n "CN=AkademRulit" -sv Certificate.pvk key.pem
Create PFX container
Download and install pvk2pfx.exe. Execute it via commandline with pair of keys generated on a previous step (see at certificate storage):
>> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin>pvk2pfx.exe -pvk "c:\Certificate.pvk" -spc "c:\key.pem" -pfx "c:\MyCertificate.pfx"
Create PDF file with MyCertificate.pfx
Pkcs12Store ks = null;
using (FileStream file = new FileStream(@"c:\MyCertificate.pfx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
ks = new Pkcs12Store(file,"");//without password
Now that you’ve created your own certificate store, you can immediately use it for signing PDFs using PDFKit, but you can also export it:
To export, please do the following (assuming that you have IE on your machine):
- In Internet Explorer select Tools (menu) –> Internet Options (item in menu)
- Content (tab) –> Certificates (button)
- Select the certificate you want to expect (selection) –> Export… (button)
- Yes, Export the private key (selection) – notice that if this selection is not available the key is imported without export rights.
- Select Personal Information Exchange – PKCS #12 (.pfx):
- select include all certificates in the certification path if possible
- deselect strong protection (however strong protection is supported by our code, for testing I recommends the weaker option)
- deselect delete the key
- Type the same password trice (e.g. “Test”), and keep this password available
- Provide a filename (e.g. “C:\temp\test.pfx” )
- Finish (button)
- Check if the message says: successful